By default the Microsoft Dynamics CRM outlook client provides users the ability to track e-mails by using the "Track" button. All users are familiar with this functionality and use this whenever an e-mail is required to be tracked by your organization.
What actually is missing here is a basic feature to register more information related to this e-mail and customer. For example, a user tracks an e-mail message and wants to fill in related information and create a follow-up task as well. It can be done when a user clicks the "View in CRM" button but it may take many clicks and open windows to actually take care of this e-mail.
Extending the client
There are many ways to extend the Outlook client but for this example I will allow the user to simply click on a follow-up button that triggers a dialog process from within a managed html webresource
Creating a dialog
Because this blog is not about creating dialog processes I will ask you to go to the following video and make sure you create a dialog process based upon the e-mail entity and you know the corresponding guid. You can get the guid by running the dialog from within Microsoft CRM and press ctrl+n. You will probably see a long url in Internet Explorer. The id is marked in bold.{ECDB724E-EDA9-E211-B63A-D4856451BCD1}
Creating a html webresource
As for the html webresource you can use the following code. Make sure you enter the dialog guid correctly and notice this webresouce requires a parameter "emailid" in order to run.
Before actually start embedding this webresource in Outlook, make sure it will run in your browser. Let's name this webresource dh_Outlookemail.html and test this webresource by replacing the bold guid by a correct e-mail guid and entering the following url:
<html><head><meta charset="utf-8">
<script language="javascript">
var emailId = null;
var dialogId = 'E49AC7F1-BFF5-44DF-BE2C-2E05A7946B92';
getParams = functionundefined){
var href = decodeURIComponentundefined location.href );
var vars = [], hash;
var hashes = href.sliceundefinedhref.indexOfundefined'?') + 1).splitundefined'&');
for undefinedvar i = 0; i < hashes.length; i++) {
hash = hashes[i].splitundefined'=');
vars[hash[0]] = hash[1];
return vars;
ShowRelatedData = functionundefined) {
var parameters = getParamsundefined);
ifundefined parameters['emailid'] != null )
document.getElementByIdundefined 'btnStartFollupupDialog').style.display='block';
emailId = parameters['emailid'];
showFollowupDialog = functionundefined) {
var url = location.href.substringundefined0,location.href.length - location.pathname.length) + '/cs/dialog/rundialog.aspx';
url += "/cs/dialog/rundialog.aspx?DialogId=%7b" + dialogId + "%7d&EntityName=email&ObjectId=" + emailId ;
window.openundefinedurl, "", "status=no,scrollbars=no,toolbars=no,menubar=no,location=no");
<body bgcolor="#dddddd" onload="ShowRelatedDataundefined);">
<button id="btnStartFollupupDialog" onclick="showFollowupDialogundefined);">Run follup up dialog</button><br>
What's next?
Part 3 (the actual Microsoft Outlook Client for Dynamics CRM 2011 Extension) and sourcecode will be available soon.
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